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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less!
Drill Here Drill Now - T-Shirts, Mugs, Bumper Stickers, Magnets, Buttons, Tote Bags & More.
There has been a lot of talk in the news and at the water cooler lately about high gas and oil prices and how to lower them. The discussion centers around whether it's speculators driving up the price of a barrel of oil, or if it's mostly due to oil shortages.
The United States Congress has had a ban on new oil drilling for years now, and this is now finally being questioned by leaders like Newt Gingrich and others.
A movement is beginning that the American people are getting quickly involved with, to encourage Congress to lift the ban on oil exploration and drilling in the Alaskan ANWR region and offshore off our coasts. Virginia has already backed offshore drilling, and the governor and citizens of Alaska are also in favor of the drilling.
If you also feel that it's important for our energy needs as well as for our national security, then why not help the growing momentum by displaying a bumper sticker on your car, a sign in your yard, and a pin on your shirt? You can find a large selection of "Drill Here Drill Now" items in my Vitalfinds store to explore to fuel your interest.
Need more information? The Politics of Energy and the Environment (PDF) ANWR Alaska Wilderness Link Get the Facts: Why a Drill Here, Drill Now Approach Will Help America Pay Less at the Pump Link NO REASON WE CAN'T GET CHEAPER OIL - JUST DRILL! Link America's Mission: Number One in Oil Production Link Three steps towards lower gas prices and a competent energy policy Link
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: the issue -- Most geologists agree that the potential of recoverable oil on the Coastal Plain is in the order of billions of barrels and trillions of cubic feet of recoverable gas and that these resources may rival the initial reserves at Prudhoe Bay. The validity of these estimates can only be proved by drilling exploratory wells. Before oil and gas development in the Coastal Plain can proceed, Congress and the President need to authorize leasing and development. Link
Making the case for ANWR development - Too Much Imported Oil: Bad for the Economy -- Through shortsighted actions, Congress and federal agencies have banned oil activity from more than 300 million acres of federal land onshore and more than 460 million acres offshore in the past 20 years. Link
Shout the battle cry to the Heavens: Drill Here! Drill Now! Link
And then on the other side, here are some arguments Against Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Link